Monday, February 1, 2016

"THE EXCELSIOR BASE BALL CLUB - Within a few days past, a number of young men residing mostly in the Western section of the city have formed an association known as the Excelsior Base Ball Club, principally with the view of promoting physical exercise and healthful recreation. The following officers have been elected: W. D. Shurtz, President; George W. Tinges, Vice President; Henry (Hervey) Shriver, Secretary. Committee of Inquiry: A. K. Foard, George F. Beam and   M. N. Howe. The name was selected in honor of the Excelsior Base Ball Club of Brooklyn, N.Y., and the membership consisting almost entirely of young merchants, have selected their playground at a spot known as "Flat Rock," near the Madison Street Avenue."
                                     - American and Commercial Advertiser, July 12, 1859

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