Tuesday, February 16, 2016


According to this here 1894 map Marylander's like to thump craws. I'm thinking it's an insult but the Orioles did win their first pennant that year so I'd imagine the crab town kranks were vociferous. I dig the pig. Nice lemon peel ball as well. 

Crawthumper (plural crawthumpers) / (Ireland) ostentatiously pious person
 The term suggests that the person is always beating (thumping) their chest (craw) a gesture of piety      and submission. It also implies an extreme obsequiousness towards the Catholic Church, priests,          monseignours, and especially junior bishops. A crawthumper will know every gradation of the clergy,      from curate to pope, supplicant to reverend mother and the correct form of address in canon law.          Derogatory, though commonly used by Irish catholics to describe other, more openly pious                    catholics, the term has an anticlerical tinge. -wiktionary

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