Saturday, April 9, 2016

July 24, 1873 - Ferguson vs. Hicks

July 24, 1873, Umpire Bob Ferguson breaks Mutuals catcher Nat Hicks' left arm after a Lord Baltimores game in New York. -- The Lord Baltimores were leading the Mutuals heading into the late innings. Veteran player and umpire Bob Ferguson had received continuous verbal abuse throughout the game from Mutuals' catcher Nat Hicks. New York came back to score three runs in the bottom of the 9th for the close victory, but the argument between Hicks and Ferguson escalated after the game and ended with Ferguson hitting Hicks with a baseball bat, breaking his left arm in two places. The crowd went berserk and Ferguson needed a police escort to exit the field safely amidst a shower of boo’s and trash. Hicks refused to press formal charges and would be out two months waiting for the injury to heal.
Diorama by Ken Mars

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